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You want to treat yourself and buy a luxury bag: a Chanel, a Hermès or a Louis Vuitton... this represents an investment and the most important thing is that it stays in good condition as long as possible. Luxury bags are made with noble materials that must be well maintained. We give you some tips!


First of all, it is important to clean your bag (inside and outside). Depending on the material of the bag, the products may vary but it is always a simple process. For your leather BAGS, with the help of a cloth, apply a thin layer of cream specially designed to polish and moisturize the leather. This cream will clean, moisturize and shine your bag.

Leather bags don't like rain, it makes them lose their shape and shine, think about waterproofing it!

Pay attention to the acidity of your hands (bags do not like perfume and cream). Think of waxing when the corners of your bags are worn and it is important to always store them well in the dustbag, this will avoid scratching or damaging them.

Suede bags are even more fragile and absorb stains more than leather. Brush your bag with a suede brush or eraser, a good shot of waterproofing on a regular basis (every 2-3 months) and a routine cleaning to remove small dirt that gets embedded in the suede.

Unlike leather and suede, canvas bags are very durable and require less maintenance. If you get a stain, just take soap and water and rub it with a damp cloth to get it out. Don't forget to dry it well after the cleaning process.

But some stains require a more special treatment, if you don't feel like doing this cleaning yourself, don't hesitate to call a professional.